Li'l Ned


Just had to represent Li'l Ned. Remembering back in the 1940's every farming community had at least one Ned. Too old to work, too lovable to dispose of... he had done his share of work over the years. Relegated to pasture duty with mares and youngsters, harmless, but willing to look over the fence and give advice to us all.

Depicted here with more teeth than entitled too, less swayback than encumbered with he'll remain cherished memory forever. Simple basic construction. May be made from easy to purchase construction grade lumber. All you need is 8 feet of 2x1, 8 feet of 2x8 and 4 feet of 1x10. Can be built with or without rocker, in the latter case he can be coupled with any of our Yard & Garden projects.


  • 23" (length)
  • 11" (seat height)
Product Contains:
  • (1) plan sheet (22" x 34") with:
    • full-scale tracing patterns
    • detailed instructions with helpful tips
  • (1) rocker plan sheet (22" x 34") with:
    • full-scale tracing patterns
    • 24 in-process photos
    • detailed instructions with helpful tips
Project Hours Estimate: B (8-40 hours)

All of our projects are designed to be easy to follow for any skill level. We provide project hour estimates based on the tools, equipment and experience of an intermediate woodworker. A beginner may take longer and an experienced woodworker may take less time, but any skill level can accomplish any project. Your results may vary.

A = 4-8 hours
B = 8-40 hours
C = 40+ hours