Antie Maime


The world's first rocking ant? Could be. “Antie Maime” can be made from 1 1/2” and 3/4” thick construction grade wood. We suggest the wood not be a “hardwood”, there's some shaping and sanding so a medium soft species would be great.

Do not be overwhelmed by the finished result here. “Maime” is not difficult, you make one part at a time. The complicated look comes when you start the assembly, and that is the easy part. The legs are very, very strong laminations, again, easy to make too. We added two pipe standards for added insurance... even though the model was tested with a 300 pound load.

Patterns are full-scale, all boring locations clearly noted with step-by-step instructions and in-process photos to guide you. Complete parts list, plus material list and a full color photo for reference.


  • 40” (rocker length)
  • 18” (seat height)

Product Contains:

  • (1) cover sheet (8½" x 11") with large color reference photo
  • (1) detailed instruction pamphlet
  • (3) plan sheets (22" x 34") with:
    • full-scale tracing patterns
    • 24 in-process photos
    • helpful tips

Project Hours Estimate: B (8-40 hours)

All of our projects are designed to be easy to follow for any skill level. We provide project hour estimates based on the tools, equipment and experience of an intermediate woodworker. A beginner may take longer and an experienced woodworker may take less time, but any skill level can accomplish any project. Your results may vary.

  • A = 4-8 hours
  • B = 8-40 hours
  • C = 40+ hours